St. Armands

Residents Association

Sewer System

The City of Sarasota (not the County) manages our sewer system.  Pumps are referred to as "lift stations".  There doesn't seem to be much information on the city's website about this except for what is on this webpage.

The St. Armands Master Lift Station (City Lift Station #30)--which pumps all of the sewage from St. Armands Key (and probably Lido Key as well) to the mainland--is located in the median of S Blvd of Presidents just to the south of the intersection with Monroe Dr.

January 3, 2024

We received notice from the City that the St. Armands Master Lift Station (Lift Station 30) is going to be "improved", beginning the following week and continuing through May. 

We were told that this project has been in the works for a few years, and is part of the City's ongoing hurricane hardening efforts. A company called Spectrum Underground will be doing this work on behalf on the city's Utility Department.

This project will provide an onsite emergency backup generator that will kick on automatically in the event of a power loss, so the lift station can continue to operate in an emergency event. It will be housed in a new flood resistant structure, so that the generator and electrical equipment will be protected from flooding or a storm surge event. This will enable the City to maintain sewer service during and immediately after a storm event.

In addition to the new emergency generator, the project will replace pumps, valves, pipes, and electrical systems that are older and at the end of their service life. The new above-ground structure will be finished in stucco and surrounded with fencing and landscaping to make the site more secure and aesthetically pleasing. There is already lift station equipment at that location that is well screened by 6'+ tall shrubs.

The city has provided drawings of the structure and a site/landscape plan (click the links to view).  Click here to view the city right-of-way permit.

July 29, 2024

Resident complaint:

They have been running pumps called Silent Partners 24/7 for 3 weeks solid night and day which we can hear inside our homes. I have no idea how our neighbors closer to the noise are enduring it. No notification was given and while we realize this is supposed to be an improvement to our quadrant, we would like to have them wrap up whatever they are trying to accomplish.

July 30, 2024

Response from City Utilities Director:

I understand the inconvenience caused by some of the preventative upgrades we have to do with our equipment at the Lift Station 30 site. The upgrades we are doing at the site are designed to harden the facility to protect it from severe weather events. With these improvements Lift Station 30 will have a new service life for the next 30+ years with minimal disruption to the public.

The existing lift station wet well is on bypass so it can be coated with a cementitious lining. Once that process is complete, the contractor can begin the process of setting the regular duty pumps and associated control systems in place. The only way we can complete the all the work associated with this final phase is the use of the bypass pumps the resident mentioned in the complaint.

Fortunately this project is in the final phase of construction for the upgrades and, as such, we should be finished with the project win the next 4-6 weeks. We are sorry for the inconvenience that we’re causing but look forward to completing the project so we can provide these upgrades to the community.

August 5, 2024

The day after Hurricane Debby:

September 10, 2024

St. Armands Residents Association

P.O. Box 2482, Sarasota, FL  34230

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