St. Armands

Residents Association

Event and Holiday Parking

Holiday celebrations (e.g., Memorial Day Weekend, the Fourth of July) and large events (e.g., concerts, festivals) can bring so many people out to the barrier islands that they begin parking illegally on residential streets and in medians.  This poses a public safety risk, damages city property, and restricts emergency vehicles from passing.

St. Armands residential streets are limited to one hour parking, except on Sundays.  The following picture shows parking on a residential street on a Sunday during an art festival.  It's almost impossible for two cars to pass, let alone a car and an emergency vehicle:

May 26-27, 2024

Multiple resident emails to the city about parking issues during Memorial Day Weekend:  email 1, email 2, email 3

St. Armands Residents Association

P.O. Box 2482, Sarasota, FL  34230

e-mail us at:

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