St. Armands

Residents Association

Pedestrian Crosswalks

St. Armands Circle is an outdoor, pedestrian shopping district consisting of four quadrants, a park in between, a nearby surface parking lot and a parking garage, the nearby Sarasota Bay Bridge that many walkers and runners use for exercise, and nearby Lido Beach and several parks.  Pedestrians must frequently cross streets to get from one quadrant or attraction to another.  This while the Circle is also the only way for vehicular traffic to travel between Lido and Longboat Keys and downtown.  Improving pedestrian safety is fundamental to the residential experience on St. Armands.

February 10, 2022

Email from City Traffic Engineer to City Manager about options for increasing safety for St. Armands pedestrian crosswalks and the associated costs:  click here

October-November 2022

2022 Member Survey Results

Which of the following options for St. Armands Circle crosswalks do you think would best help traffic flow and pedestrian safety?  (n=147)

36% - pedestrian cross lights ("walk" and "don't walk")

28% - none of these are likely to improve traffic flow and pedestrian safety

16% - crossing guards stationed around the Circle during peak hours

13% - Don't know / Not sure

  7% - Other, specify:  blinking lights on crosswalks, timed lights, more speed bumps, eliminate parallel parking, etc...

Here's an example pedestrian crossing sign (observed at the Shoppes at University Center) that we would like to see added to all St. Armands crosswalks:

St. Armands Residents Association

P.O. Box 2482, Sarasota, FL  34230

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