St. Armands Residents Association |
Below are some key dates and events with regard to commercial development on St. Armands:
Date Uncertain (pre 1994) | St. Armands Commercial Tourist (CT) District Created The intent and purpose of the CT district is to serve the nonresidential needs of tourists by providing a variety of goods and services for tourists. The application of this district is restricted to St. Armand's Key. (click here to view definitions of City commercial districts) |
January 16, 2001 | National Historic Designation The Harding (St. Armands) Circle Historic District received registration on the National Register of Historic Places on January 16, 2001. It encompasses the Harding Circle Park, adjacent medians along John Ringling Blvd. and the Boulevard of the Presidents, and associated Ringling-era statuary. From the agenda of the April 1, 2002 Regular City Commission Meeting: BOARD ACTIONS RE: REPORT RE: HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD’S REPORT OF MARCH 12, 2002 – APPROVED THE EXPENDITURE OF $525 FROM THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION DEMOLITION FUND FOR AN HISTORIC MARKER FOR THE HARDING CIRCLE HISTORIC DISTRICT AND FOR A CONSULTANT TO PREPARE AND SUBMIT A GRANT APPLICATION; RECEIVED REPORT (AGENDA ITEM II-1)
July 16, 2002 | St. Armands Business Improvement District City Commission establishes the St. Armand’s Special Business Improvement District (BID) with Ordinance No. 02-4382. The BID is authorized to levy an ad valorem tax on real and personal property within the District up to two mills annually, and it may use special assessments to support planning and implementation of District improvements up to $500 per parcel per year. The BID has a very specific list of powers related to maintaining, improving, safeguarding and marketing the District and is not authorized to exceed those powers. The BID had a 10 year lifespan when created, and it was renewed once for an additional 10 years. But the BID ceased to exist on September 30, 2023, due to failure to receive enough votes to renew it for an additional 10 years. Observer article: Disheartening demise |