St. Armands

Residents Association

St. Armands Complete Streets Project 

CIP # 000541

A complete street is an age-friendly design that promotes safe, multimodal travel whether walking, biking, riding transit or driving a vehicle.  It is also intended to provide a sense of place. Each complete street is unique to its community and could include such features as enhanced sidewalks, street lighting, benches, street trees and landscaping, public art and more.

February 10, 2022

Email from City Traffic Engineer to City Manager about options for increasing safety for St. Armands pedestrian crosswalks and the associated costs:  click here

March 11, 2022

Email from City Traffic Engineer to City Manager about $700,000 in State funding being approved for St. Armands Circle Streetscape Improvements:  click here

August 9, 2022

City publishes a 600+ page bid solicitation for ST. ARMAND'S KEY COMPLETE STREETS (Bid ID: 22-45BK).

The City of Sarasota, Florida, is seeking Professional Engineering Services, in accordance with the provisions of the Consultants Competitive Negotiations Act (CCNA), from qualified Engineering firms with experience in design services as further detailed in the scope of services/specifications. 

The general objective for the consultant is to conduct a PD&E study and prepare a set of contract documents including plans, specifications, supporting engineering analysis, calculations, and other technical documents in accordance with Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) policy, procedures, and requirements. 

The purpose of the St. Armand's Key Complete Streets project is to improve pedestrian walkability and multi-modal transportation, enhance safety and ADA measures, beautify the right-of-way, and support economic growth.

Questions Deadline:  Sep 01, 2022

Bidding End Date:  Sep 09, 2022

From FDOT: What is a PD&E Study?

A Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study is a comprehensive study that evaluates social, economic and environmental effects associated with the proposed transportation improvements so that the FDOT can reach a decision on the type, location and conceptual design to meet the project’s proposed purpose and need.

Five Steps in the Transportation Development Process:

  1. Long Range Planning: The FDOT and local governments conduct long-range transportation planning on an ongoing basis to identify and prioritize individual projects.
  2. Project Development and Environment Study (PD&E): During this step, design concept options and their social and environmental effects are examined.
  3. Design: During design, detailed construction plans are prepared.
  4. Right-Of-Way Acquisition: This phase entails acquisition of any necessary right-of-way, based on the design plans.
  5. Construction: The roadway is built during this phase.

August 17, 2022

Regular meeting of the St. Armands Business Improvement District (BID):

The following was discussed:

    • 2026:  Estimated project completion
    • The entire project is expected to cost in the neighborhood of $20 Million with the City having to pay 30-40% of that

October 11, 2022

Email (click here) from City Engineer about the advisory panel for the St. Armands Complete Streets project.  The BID had two voices (BID Business Manager and BID Chairperson), but the Merchants Association and Residents Association were not offered a seat at the table.

March 22, 2023

Email from City Engineer about St. Armands and Lido street conditions, and attached color-coded map showing relative conditions of every street:  click here

April 10, 2023

With only an eight day advance notice, the City announced a Public Workshop for this project:  click here

April 18, 2023

The Public Meeting for the St. Armands Complete Streets Project was well-attended by 20+ residents and 20+ merchants.  The presentation was about these three options:

    1. Do the Full Complete Streets Project. This includes installing new underground fiberoptic connectivity and power infrastructure, water, sewer, and drainage improvements, extending the MURT recreational trail to Longboat Key, improving pedestrian crosswalks, and many other improvements. Cost: $45 million. Timeframe: 10-15 years to complete.
    2. Do just an Above-Ground Streetscape Project. None of the underground utility and infrastructure improvements. Does still address pedestrian crosswalks. Cost: $15 million. Timeframe: 2-3 years to complete.
    3. Do Nothing ("No Build"). Doesn't cost any money and no disruption to traffic since there is no construction.

Link to 15-minute Public Meeting Video: click here

July 17, 2023

At a regular City Commission Meeting, there was a Board Report made by the St. Armands Business Improvement District (BID) with the survey results (showing the most votes for doing the full Complete Streets Project) and their recommendation to just do the toned-down Streetscape Project, following which Commissioner Alpert stated: "I don't agree with any of the [BID's] suggestions".

      • Link to Video:  click here
      • BID Report:  fast forward to 0:44:00 (0 hours, 44 minutes, 0 seconds)
      • Commissioner Alpert:  fast forward to 0:48:25 (0 hours, 48 minutes, 25 seconds)

November 13, 2023

At a City Commission Workshop to discuss upcoming transportation-related projects, staff updated commissioners on several projects including St. Armands Complete Streets.

    • Link to video and agenda: click here
    • Fast forward to 1:20:35 (1 hour, 20 minutes, 35 seconds)
It is unclear whether staff is moving forward with this project and what the level of priority is for it.

June 17, 2024

Email from Residents Association President to city's transportation planners.

St. Armands Residents Association

P.O. Box 2482, Sarasota, FL  34230

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